Bike maintenance guide| Bike Accessories To Avoid

Maintenance of motorcycles is more than just maintaining your Bike Accessories To Avoid because you have to do it now or it’s time to do it right away. The ongoing general maintenance will keep your motorcycle in perfect condition, with a few unpleasant surprises on the way.

General Motorcycle Maintenance

Modern bikes require less maintenance than the 1960s and 1970s, but they still need much more maintenance than a car. This high reliability also means that there are many motorcyclists who have no idea how to work on their bikes or what to do to ensure reliability.

Motorcyclists must be able to do basic maintenance at least in their bikes.

The more care and maintenance you provide to the bike, the longer it lasts. General maintenance of your motorcycle will also help you detect problems before they occur.

Things to Check Regularly

Tip: There are dozens of pieces on a motorcycle that can be checked regularly, and there is nothing wrong with checking all those parts. But try to reduce the list to the most important elements so you still have time to assemble them.

Here is a basic list of some of the most important things you should check out on a motorcycle. Even doing a little things can make a big difference. Batteries, oils, tires (tires), brakes, chain, gear wheels (axle transmission, belt belt) and fuel (petrol, gasoline).

Tires, Tyres.

Tip: Always keep a low pressure guide (0psi – 80psi) in your cycling bag. Bike maintenance guide Try to remember to check the tire pressure every time you fill it with gas.

Keep your windows inflated properly. The frame that is blown frequently generates a lot of heat, which can lead to an explosion. Too hot tires erode more quickly. The most common cause of motorcycle exposure is tire damage.

Buy a pencil gauge and use it regularly until you know “instinctively” how tires feel properly. The use of counters and visual examinations should become second nature.

Replace your tires sooner rather than later. If the tread depth is 1-2 mm, it is time to replace the tire. Take advice from crazy athletes and valley enemies: never tire of their tires, because they often stand between them and the pearly gates.


Tip: Brake fluid absorbs moisture over time and becomes less effective. Replace the brake fluid every 1 to 2 years and the brakes will be equipped as best as possible.

Bike Accessories To Avoid up to two tanks of brake fluid, one for the front, which is usually on the leash and the other back. Both should be reviewed regularly. The recharging process should be done only from a new sealed bottle, as brake fluid tends to absorb moisture over time. If the brake pads are weak and must be replaced. Be careful: brake fluid, if spilled onto the paint, penetrates the naked metal.

Also check the thickness of the brake pads. If you allow them to go directly to the metal, your brake disc will be damaged, which will replace an unnecessary and expensive replacement. Installation of braided metal brake lines will increase brake performance by approximately 50%

Chains: Lubricate them often using a chain sprayer business each time they fill for gasoline. (Or at the end of each trip). Sprinkle generously on the side of the chain that touches the gear wheel. Make sure to spray the left and right sides of the string. Place a sheet of paper so that the soil does not edge the rear wheels while spraying. Use a second piece on the ground to pick up any drops. Wait five or ten minutes before cleaning all excess oil from the chain. This whole process is much easier if your bike has central support. Rear wheel rotation will ensure that the rest of the chain is lubricated when the gear wheel and gear touch. This is the job that is best done when you return home from your trip while the chain is still hot.

Bike chains are never taut but must be able to sag between 3/4″ to 1 1/4″ at the mid-point between the two sprockets. The sag is used when the bike suspension moves up and down over uneven surfaces.

Column Units: Although motorcycle axle units require little maintenance, we suggest that you replace the axle bus oil each time you change the oil on a motorcycle. This will lead to a long and happy life to move the axle.

Belt motors: As with axle transmission, belts do not require much maintenance. Each time you change the oil on a motorcycle, check the belt tension and adjust it if necessary. Make sure your belt is always clean.


Tip: Check the fluid levels in each room. If any camera is low, refill it carefully. Use distilled or deionized water only, no tap water. Tap water has a metal that will not do anything good for the battery.

The humble battery is a very common reason for a motorcycle crash! Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain and, therefore, is not reviewed as much as it should.

The battery requires only a small monthly Bike maintenance guide to work perfectly. Keep the battery 100% charged, recharged when the lights are low, the startup drive appears weak, or the battery has not been used for more than two weeks. Regardless, follow this simple checklist every month:

– Check the level of electrolyte.

– Fill only with distilled or deionized water, wear gloves and protective glasses. Fill in a ventilated area and be careful with smoke.

– Keep the top free of dirt.

– Check cables, clamps and housing for obvious damage or loose connections

– Cleaning stations and connectors as necessary.

– Check the inside of excess sediments, sulphates or algae

– Make sure the exhaust pipe is free from defects and obstructions

– Replacing hats tightly

– Termination by testing the battery with a voltmeter or voltmeter. To extend the battery life, make the battery monthly maintenance part of your routine.

Use distilled or deionized water only, no tap water. Tap water has a metal that will not do anything good for the battery.